Joey is 2!

 Joey is 2! All of a sudden, this kid looks like a little boy, and no longer a baby.  We celebrated your day with a trip to the Adventure Science Museum and your first visit to a show in the Planetarium. You loved it, and I didn't get nauseous.

Some new things in your life-you have a new "bubba" named Chandler. You can now roll from your back to your belly and it is a source of entertainment for you. You could spend all day just rolling around all over the place in your bed. Sometimes I wonder how you end up at the head of your bed when you started at the foot of your bed.  You're still laughing and smiling and it lights up my world when I see you do this. You are a fan of car rides. I marvel in watching you look around when we take trips to the different places around town.  We still try to take daily walks outside so that I can get some exercise and you can experience some new scenery. We took you to the pool with your brother this summer, and you got to splash around some with your feet, and I think you enjoyed it.

In speech, you are really enjoying ice cream during your sessions with your speech therapist, but not so much avocado. This is understandable. We introduced the passy muir valve to you a few months ago, even when some people doubted that you could do it, and you just flew. I think it's adorable to hear you babble. Some of your old tricks like patty cake and itsy bitsy spider have become old news to you, whereas I can get a laugh out of you when we sing, "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes."

You are really growing up and I thank God every day for the gift that you are to us!


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