Vaccines and Irritability

Joey had been cruising okay on his flow of 5 on vapotherm, but yesterday he spiked a fever. Viral panels came back negative, and they think the fever and agitation came from receiving his vaccines the day before. He was extremely cranky all day yesterday, so they bumped his flow to 6 to give him some support. I think he was hovering at about 60 percent oxygen too. Tylenol was given a couple of times. Overnight, we believe he became more comfortable and there was no longer a fever. He was weaned to 44%. This morning they decreased his flow on vapotherm to 5 again, and this afternoon around lunch time, he was requiring 65% oxygen. at about 1:40 pm, he was weaned to 60%. It always takes Joey a little while to adjust, but it seems like we keep hitting bumps, and this time his wean is taking longer than usual.  Perhaps, we are deciding to go slower so that he doesn't crash in the future., and that's what is taking so long? It's stressful to see your child in distress, especially since you know his respiratory issues are very sensitive to his current state of affairs.

All I know is I'm ready to take this boy home, but he's just not stable enough. I'm trying live by hope and not my fear.  It's especially a little more difficult right now since I'm in Sevierville right now for Claire's volleyball tournament, instead of at the hospital with Daniel.


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