Spa Day and Gym Day

This morning his nurse thought that Joey was working harder to breathe so she increased his oxygen to 45 percent and increased his flow to 1.5. By the end of the day, she had weaned him back down to 35 percent and left the flow at 1.5.

Joey discovered how much he loved his little gym and literally spent the entire day awake punching at the toys. I even tested him by putting up his toy to see if he would punch at it, and if it wasn’t there he was punching. It gave me satisfaction knowing that he saw the toy and was reaching out to it. It was so cute to watch.

I also gave him another 5ml bottle and he drank it down like a champ. He has his swallow test tomorrow and I’m praying he passes. Here’s a cute photo of his nurse trying to burp him after his small bottle.

Today some of the NICU moms went to the Woodhouse Day Spa for massages. It was so nice to experience such a relaxing environment outside of the hospital and the owner was so gracious to give us these massages. She deserves a big thank you.

Joey is so worn out from playing with his toy all day!


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